Faculty Mechatronic

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

bryzgalov-ju-bDean Yury Bryzgalov, Prof., DScFor over 60 years the faculty has been training specialists for enterprises of our country. During the years of its existence the faculty has trained over 9,000 engineers, among them are famous scientists, designers, directors of enterprises. Many of them spent themselves for the service in the army, MIA, police and governmental bodies. Initially established as purely “defense”, in the recent decade and a half the faculty extended the range of its specialties and specializations taking into account the needs of the regional companies. The competitiveness of our graduates has been time proved and is defined by Russian traditions of training specialists for enterprises of defense profile.



Bachelor Programs

  • Power Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Technological Machines and Equipment
  • Engineering and Design Provision of Production in Machine-Building
  • Flight-Type Engines
  • Quality Management
  • System Analysis and Control
  • Nanotechnologies and Microsystem Engineering

Engineering Programs

  • Small Arms & Gun Artillery and Rocket Weapons
  • Land Transportation-Technological Means
  • Design, Production and Operation of Rockets and Rocket-Space Complexes

Master Programs

  • Power Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Technological Machines and Equipment
  • Engineering and Design Provision of Production in Machine-Building
  • Flight-Type Engines
  • Quality Management
  • System Analysis and Control
  • Nanotechnologies and Microsystem Engineering

Doctoral Programs

  • Mechanical Engineering


Dean Yury Bryzgalov, Prof., DSc


Address: Russia, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk 426069, Studencheskaya 48
Tel.: +7 (3412) 77-60-55 (*) 2317


Дата: 10.10.2022