Main achievements

Main areas of cooperation and achievements


Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is currently developing cooperation in education, research and academic exchanges with 40 foreign universities and research organizations from Europe, Asia, Near East and Africa. Currently over 350 international students from 30 countries are educated at Kalashnikov ISTU, namely from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Angola, Armenia, Belarus, Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Liberia, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, RSA, Senegal, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Yemen and Zimbabwe. 


Since 2004 Kalashnikov ISTU has been hosting the biannual International Forum (Education Quality) which comprises the International Conference «Technical Universities: Integration with European and World Systems of Education», Forum of Young Researchers, roundtable discussions, exhibitions. Over 150 participants, including 37 representatives from 14 foreign universities and companies from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Syria took part in VIII Conference on April 23-24, 2019 dedicated to the 100th jubilee of Mikhail Kalashnikov.  


Kalashnikov ISTU participates together with its European partners in the program «Staff mobility for teaching and training» / «Student mobility» in the frameworks of Erasmus+. At present, 11 teachers, 8 staff members and 17 students of our university have been hosted by Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic, University of Zadar, Croatia, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, and University of Pécs, Hungary within the program. In academic year 2017/2018 four PhD students of Kalashnikov ISTU worked on their research projects at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, at the same time, our university hosted 1 PhD and 1 master student from our Slovak partner. 


Every year the university awards the title «Doctor Honoris Causa of Kalashnikov ISTU» to foreign partners for the important contribution to the development of cooperation between the universities. The first holders of this title in 2001 became Prof. Jozsef Orban,University of Pécs, Hungary and Dr. Jozef Mudrik, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. At present, 29 foreign professors are Doctors Honoris Causa of Kalashnikov ISTU.

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Kalashnikov ISTU offers a number of study programs in English. From 2013 in the frameworks of cooperation with Egyptian-Russian University — bachelor programs «Civil Engineering», «Mechatronics and Robotics» and «Info-Communication Technologies and Communication Systems», and from 2015 — master program «Project Management in Construction». Up to now 160 ERU students have been granted bachelor diplomas of Kalashnikov ISTU. In academic year 2017/2018 our university launched a new bachelor program in English — «Software Engineering», and one more the next academic year — «Management» followed by «Oil and Gas Engineering».


Kalashnikov ISTU is implementing 4 double degree programs together with foreign partner universities: Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Egyptian-Russian University (Egypt). For instance, in 2011 Faculty of Heat Engineering of Kalashnikov ISTU and Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Wolfenbüttel, Germany have developed and implemented the bi-national bachelor program «Water and heat supply for populated areas» which assumes a 1-year study in the partner university with further defense of graduation project and issuing of two diplomas. For the period 2013-2022 the diplomas of Kalashnikov ISTU and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences were granted to 25 students.


Kalashnikov ISTU took part in the project «Training for the operation of forward-looking and environmentally oriented surface technology companies in Russia» together with Aalen University (Germany), MKV GmbH (Allersberg, Germany) and Zeh Metallveredelungs GmbH (Stuttgart, Germany). In the course of project implementation the International Center of Surface Technologies was founded at Kalashnikov ISTU which was solemnly opened in 2013. The Center deals with training students, making research works and arranging skill update courses for industry.


Kalashnikov ISTU is currently implementing 2 international projects with LESER GmbH & Co (Germany): «Improvement of functional capabilities of the software for computing gas-dynamic processes in LESER safety valves with real operating media» and «Development of the device for contactless determination of the safety valve operation and its operating time».


Two language centers are functioning at the Institute of Professional Translation of Kalashnikov ISTU: Center of Spanish Language and Culture «¡Hola!» opened together with University of Granada (Spain) and Center of Czech Language and Culture opened together with Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) and South-Moravian Center of International Mobility (Czech Republic).


From 2004 teams of Kalashnikov ISTU programmers won all sorts of medals: silver (Prague, 2004), bronze (Shanghai, 2005) and gold (Banff, Canada, 2008) at world competitions on programming «ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest» sponsored by IBM.


In 2011 Kalashnikov ISTU hosted I Student International Olympiad on Mechanism and Machine Science (SIOMMS) under the auspices of International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM). The teams of 17 universities from 8 countries participated in this event. After that three Olympiads were held: at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) in October 2013, at Carlos III University (Madrid, Spain) in October 2016 and at Pontifical Catholic University (Peru) in October 2018. The team of our university took part in all of them and demonstrated good results.


In November 2019 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University celebrated the 100th jubilee of legendary small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. Our university was named after Mikhail Kalashnikov on February 22, 2012 on the date of its 60th anniversary after the approval of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Government of the Russian Federation.


Kalashnikov ISTU is actively developing the cooperation with educational institutions and research organizations from China. Our university is a member of Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU) taking an active part in all the events under its auspices.

In 2014-2015 Kalashnikov ISTU signed the agreements of cooperation with Harbin Institute of Technology and Nanjing University of Science and Technology and renewed in 2019-2020. Till today 12 graduates of bachelor and master programs of our university are educated or have completed their studies at Harbin Institute of Technology with the scholarships of Chinese Government.


In 2022 Kalashnikov ISTU online signed cooperation agreements with two more Chinese HEIs: Jinan Zhishang Education Group and Jilin Institute of Chemistry and Technology aimed at attracting students from these organizations to our university to pursue a bachelor degree of Kalashnikov ISTU. At the same time, double degree programs are being developed with JICT.

In the same year and also in 2023 Kalashnikov ISTU signed cooperation agreements with 4 more Chinese educational institutions: Jilin International Studies University, Qilu Normal University, Weihai Marine Vocational College and Jiangsu Agricultural and Forest Professional Technical Institute. Besides, Qilu Normal University and Kalashnikov ISTU opened the Center of Chinese Language and Culture at our university where everyone can learn the Chinese language with native speakers and know more about the Chinese culture.


On February 22, 2022 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University celebrated its 70th anniversary, in which the representatives of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic), LESER GmbH (Germany) and Association of International Students of Russia took part. The foreign partners were received by Aleksandr Gubert, Acting Rector of Kalashnikov ISTU.


Дата: 15.08.2022