Scientific library

Scientific library


Evgenia Voinova

Address: Studencheskaya 7, bld. 1, office 201 (library), 210 (director)  

Tel.: +7 (3412) 77-60-55 ext. 1110

Scientific Library of Kalashnikov ISTU was founded in 1952. It is the largest technical library in the Udmurt Republic. Its role in educational process is to assist the university in educational activities and research, in training highly skilled specialists and education humanization. The optimal system for rendering high-quality information-library services for users based on the broad access to the unified library fund and e-learning recourses has been developed.  


  • Number of users (readers) – over 7,000
  • Number of visits/addresses – about 300,000
  • Handing of documents – over 300,000
  • Number of reference-bibliographic consultations – about 50,000
  • Number of exhibitions and previews – over 150,000
  • E-catalog – over 1.5 million bibliographic entries

Main activities:

  • Modernization and improvement of library technological processes based on the integrated Library Management System “IRBIS64”
  • Monitoring of scientometric indexes of university scientists. Work in information and analytical system SCIENCEINDEX for improving the publication activity of the university scientists
  • Information support of educational and research activities of the university
  • Humanitarian and educative activities
  • Project innovative-methodological activities

Access to international scientific e-resources:

The library activities contribute to the formation of intercultural medium in the university. International students learn how to communicate with students of different cultures and traditions.   

Every year the scientific library arranges information and educative event «Open dialog of cultures» for international students of the university. They get acquainted with culture and traditions of Udmurt and Russian people.


Дата: 15.08.2022