City transport

City transport

Izhevsk has a developed transport network: buses, trolleybuses, trams and taxis.

bus trolleybus2 tram2

One trip by bus, trolleybus or tram, irrespective of the distance, costs 20 rubles (about 30 US cents). Banking cards are accepted. The taxi trip from the hostel to the city center costs about 100 rubles (about 1.5 USD). You can download Yandex Taxi app here: for easier taxi booking. Banking cards are also accepted. 


Transportation to the university campus

from the railway station:

  • tram No 1; stop «6th Podlesnaya»
  • bus No 36; stop «Kalashnikov Technical University»

from the airport:

  • bus No 331; stop «9th Yanvarya St.» and then change 
    to bus No 36 or 29; stop «Kalashnikov Technical University»

from the city center:

  • tram No 1, 4, 7, 10; stop «6th Podlesnaya”
  • trolley bus No 6, 9; stop «Kalashnikov Technical University»
  • bus No 36; stop «Kalashnikov Technical University»
Дата: 14.09.2023