

Izhevsk Mechanical Institute was founded following the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No 1034 dated February 22, 1952 signed by I.V. Stalin. The first enrollment included 200 students. The Institute was situated in building 79 on Gorky Street and comprised Mechanical (special) and Mechanical and Technological Faculties.


The first mechanical engineers specializing in mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools defended their graduation projects and were issued the diplomas on higher education.


Construction of the first academic building in Metallurg District was completed (the academic building No 2 today), the future campus territory was specified (currently Studencheskaya Street).


Stadium “Burevestnik”, built with the university students’ and teachers’ support, was solemnly opened. In those years it was the best track-and-field facility in Udmurt Republic, the only stadium that belonged to an institute; the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” called it “Izhevsk Luzhniki”.


The first students’ athletics race in commemoration of the Victory Day was held along the route: Izhevsk-Ulyanovsk. The tradition of such races to hero cities of the USSR continued till 1982 and was revived in 2003.


Following the results of the institute evaluation, Izhevsk Mechanical Institute acquired the status of a technical university and became Izhevsk State Technical University – ISTU (Order of the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Higher Education No 484 dated 22.12.1993). The first foreign delegation visited ISTU (beginning of cooperation with German universities).


The Academic Senate introduced the title of the Honorary Professor of Izhevsk State Technical University (equivalent to Doctor Honoris Causa). Mikhail Kalashnikov became one of the first Honorary Professors of ISTU.


ISTU was among the first universities that signed the Magna Charta Universitatum in Bologna (Italy) and became a participant of the Bologna Process.

The First International Conference “Technical Universities: Integration with European and World Systems of Education” was hosted by ISTU. The event is regularly held every two years.


ISTU team won golden medals at the International Collegiate Programming Contest ACM-2008 in the city of Banff, Canada (silver medals in Prague in 2004 and bronze medals in Shanghai in 2005). The team leader – an MSc student Aleksandr Skidanov, coach – Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Tarasov.

2011 I Student International Olympiad on Mechanism and Machine Science was hosted by ISTU following the decision of International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM); it was the first Olympiad of international level in the history of this Federation.
2012 On 22 February Izhevsk State Technical University celebrated its 60th anniversary and after the approval of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Government of the Russian Federation it was named after Mikhail Kalashnikov, a legendary designer of small arms.

The campus territory underwent the large-scale reconstruction to the 100th jubilee of Mikhail Kalashnikov, during which over 25,000 m2 were well-furnished. After Kalashnikov Park was opened, two memorial complexes were installed in it – to the legendary small arms designer and war children – soldiers of the labor front.


On February 22 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The Center of Chinese Language and Culture was opened at Kalashnikov ISTU in collaboration with Qilu Normal University, China.  



Дата: 15.08.2022