Rector's Adress

Rector’s address

Gubert 1-2

Dear Friends,

On February 22, 2022 our university celebrated the 70th anniversary that was an important milestone in its development demonstrating what we have achieved so far and what further improvements are necessary.

Today Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is a modern higher educational institution with a great potential of researchers and teaching staff, wide range of educational communications, a highly developed network of international links and recognized level of specialists’ training. Kalashnikov ISTU is not only the largest higher educational institution in the region, but also an organization where innovations in engineering and economics are developed and implemented.

The strategic course taken by Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is aimed at the integration into European and world educational area, development of innovative mechanisms in educational and research activities. Kalashnikov ISTU demonstrates good results in the development of multi-level education. On September 01, 2007 we introduced the credit system thus making an important step in improving the education quality and self-education of students. On February 17, 2009 the permanent commission of Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency ZEvA, Hannover, Germany accredited 6 bachelor and 1 master study programs of Kalashnikov ISTU following the report of peer group on the site survey results. This contributed to the increased competitiveness of our graduates on the labor market, both in Russia and internationally.

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is constantly developing international cooperation. Today our partners are 40 foreign universities and research organizations from Europe, Asia, Near East and Africa. Kalashnikov ISTU conducts double degree programs in engineering with Egyptian-Russian University (Badr City, Cairo, Egypt) and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (Wolfenbüttel, Germany).

Kalashnikov ISTU has a developed innovative infrastructure comprising, in particular, Engineering Center «IzhSpecTech», Business Incubator for students and young researchers, Technological park «Izhrobo», Research-Educational Centers «Radio Engineering», «Mechanic», etc. and open collective centers. In the framework of this infrastructure our university is marketing a wide range of high technologies based on fundamental and applied research.

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University is closely cooperating with industry adapting the study programs to the specifics of certain productions. Following the orders of enterprises, our university is providing additional training in the fields of design innovations, management, marketing, foreign languages, information technologies, etc. We are also developing knowledge-intensive manufacturing — producing and selling small batches of knowledge-intensive products, including consumer goods.

For over 70 years Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University has become not only a research, educational and cultural but also a city-forming center which promotes the growth of scientific intellectual potential and forms conceptual strategies of the innovative development of our society.

Kalashnikov ISTU is facing future with confidence having great capabilities to implement a model of the university of XXI century.


Aleksandr Gubert, Assoc. Prof., CSc. in Engineering
Acting Rector of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Дата: 21.10.2022