MCs programs

Master Programs

Faculty / Institute Programs Tuition fee in ac.y.
2022/2023 (Rub)
Institute of Modern Technologies in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Metallurgy Mechanical Engineering 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Mechatronics and Robotics
Land Transportation-Technological Complexes
Institute of Power Engineering and Housing & Utility Infrastructure Civil Engineering 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Applied Mathematics 119 600 Test in profile subjects
V.A. Shumilov Institute of Construction and Architecture Technology of Artistic Material Processing 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Civil Engineering
Institute of Digital Economy Economics and Management 119 600 Test in profile subjects
Institute of Informatics and Computer Engineering Informatics and Computer Engineering 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Instrumentation Engineering Radio Engineering 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems
Design and Technology of Electronic Equipment
Photonics, Instrumentation Engineering, Optical and Bioengineering Systems and Technologies
Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Heat Power Engineering 137 700 Test in profile subjects
Technological Machines and Equipment
Technospheric Safety
Control in Technical Systems
Дата: 16.08.2022