Employers – our partners

Employers – our partners

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University has partner relations with a number of large industrial enterprises in Izhevsk and Udmurt Republic. This gives our students the possibility to have internships there and get employed after graduation.

kalashnikov  Kalashnikov Group
 votkinsk JSC «Votkinsk Plant»
 imz JSC «Izhevsk Mechanical Plant»
 irz JSC «Izhevsk Radio Plant» (AO «IRZ»)
 kupol JSC «Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant «Kupol»
 axion JSC «Izhevsk Moto Plant «Axion-Holding»
 mechel PJSC «Izhstal» (Mechel PAO)
 chmz JSC «Chepetsky Mechanical Plant»
 elekond JSC «Elecond»
 srz JSC «Sarapul Radio Plant»
 segz JSC «Sarapul Electric Generator Plant»
 autozavod LLC «LADA Izhevsk Automotive Plant»
 udmurtneft OJSC «Udmurtneft» (Udmurt oil company)
Дата: 24.10.2022