Photo gallery

Photo gallery


View of Izhevsk   Izhevsk City Council
Residence of the Head of Udmurt Republic   Izhevsk pond
Embankment ofIzhevsk pond at night   Embankment of Izhevskpond
Angel’s view   Ducks on Izhevsk pond
National Theater of Udmurt Republic   Udmurt Opera House and Ballet House
Inside Opera and Ballet House   Udmurt National Philharmonic
House of Peoples’ Friendship   National Library of Udmurt Republic
St. Mikhail’s Cathedral   Monument to Deryabin
Kirov Park   Fan Zone in Kirov Park
Gorky Park   Victory Public Garden
Armorer Dragunov Park   Kalashnikov Public Garden near ISTU
Monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov near ISTU   Autumn in Izhevsk
«Singing» Fountain on Central Square   Day of Izhevsk
New Year festivities on Central Square   New Year festivities on Central Square
Central Stadium   Gym
Nechkino Ski Resort   Nechkino Ski Resort
Kulakova Ski Complex   Skating Rink in Kirov Park


Дата: 22.09.2023