Language Training in Professional Sphere

Department of Language Training in Professional Sphere

elenski-a-vHead of Department: Alexander Elensky, Assoc. Prof., CSc

Address: Russia, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk 426069, 30 let Pobedy 2, room 803

Tel.: +7 3412 77 60 55 ext. 5127


The department trains English and German translators in their professional spheres. The graduates of Kalashnikov ISTU are awarded the diploma of re-training in the program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication» together with the main degree (bachelor, engineer, master). The study period is 2.5 years. The students mastering the translator training program study practical course of the English/German language, basics of the language theory, translation theory and practice in their professional spheres, culture of professional and business communication, introduction to linguistics, stylistics of the Russian language and speech standard; they master courses in developing the speaking, listening and reading skills. Lectures by visiting professors from European universities, internships in the programs of international mobility with partner universities are planned.

The department also trains the university academic staff in the program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication«.  

Together with the Department of Mechatronic Systems of the Institute of Modern Technologies in Mechanical & Automotive Engineering and Metallurgy, Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of V.A. Shumilov Institute of Construction and Architecture and Department of Communication Networks and Telecommunication Systems of the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering the Department of Language Training in Professional Sphere educates students of Egyptian-Russian University in double degree programs in English. The graduates are issued two diplomas – of Kalashnikov ISTU and ERU.

The department educates students (complete study cycle) in English in the program «Software Engineering» together with the Department of Computer Software of the Institute of Informatics and Computer Engineering and «Industrial and Civil Engineering» together with the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of V.A. Shumilov Institute of Construction and Architecture.

Дата: 10.10.2022