Complex engineering systems: control, reliability, mechatronics

Complex engineering systems: control, reliability, mechatronics


Ivan Vasilevich Abramov, DSc, Prof., an editorial board member of the scientific journal “Assembly in Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Engineering”.

H-index 6

Primary publications for 5 years:


  1. Kollar P., Nikitin Y., Bozek P. The Determination of the shelf mass in the universal shelf stacker by measuring the torque current of the frequency converter of the main drive // Vychova a up;atneny technickych inzenyru v XXI stoleti: monografie. Gliwice, Publisher PA NOVA SA, 2015. Pp. 17-23. ISBN 978-83-940150-5-3.

  2. Theory and technology of hydro-press joints: Monograph / Schenyatsky A.V., Abramov I.V., Sosnovich E.V., Glukhova K.A.. – Izhevsk: ISTU, 2012. – 496 p. – (Monographs of ISTU). ISBN 496 978-5-7526-0541-3

Published works:

  1. Turygin Yu., Abramov, I., Bozek, P., MODEL OF COMPLEX ENERGY SYSTEM OPERATION / Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference Energy – Ecology-Economy 014 (in Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, May 20 – 22, 2014). – Bratislava, 2014. – P. 499-503. ISBN 978-80-89402-70-0 (Skopus)

    1. Yu. V. Turygan, Yu.V. Zubkova, R. Hartansky. Assurance of the Electron Beam Positioning Accuracy at Electron Beam Welding. // Proceeding of The RAAD 2014, 23rd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. September 3-5, 2014, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia. – P. 349 – 353. (ISBN 978-80-227-4219-1) (Skopus)

    2. Pavol Bozek, Yuri Turygan. Measurement of the Operating Parameters and Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Subsystem // MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Volume 14, № 4, 2014. – P. (Journal of the Institute of Measurement Science Slovak Academy of Sciences Supported by Slovak National Committee IMEK ISSN 1335 - 8871) (Web of Science)

    3. Abramov I.V., Nikitin Yu.R., Abramov A.I., Sosnovich E.V., Bozhek P. Control and Diagnostic model of brushless DC motor // Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 65, № 5, 2014. Pp. 277-282. ISSN 1335-3632 (Web of Science)

Main areas of research:

  • Modeling and design of mechatronic systems control algorithms.

  • Maintenance and repair systems based on diagnostics of mechanical, electrical, hydro-pneumatic, compound elements and NC systems.

  • Modeling of deflected mode of components, constructions of complex engineering systems through calculus of approximations.

  • Computer vision systems.

  • Inertial navigation systems.

Дата: 09.12.2022