Complex engineering systems simulation

Complex engineering systems simulation

Supervisor of scientific school:

Yakimovich B.A., DSc, Prof. (website:

Main research area is research and simulation of complex engineering systems, namely:

  • Theory of design-technological complexity

  • Structure-strategy theory of production systems in mechanical engineering

  • Information support of mechanical product life cycle

  • Simulation of production systems in mechanical engineering using neural network models and genetic algorithms

In 2010-2011 in the course of project “Development of structure-strategy theory of production systems in mechanical engineering and creation of concept of information system to simulate and manage resources, reserves and results of complex engineering systems” the team of scientific school achieved the following results:


  • Total number of published works: 20

    • monographs: 3

    • textbooks, tutorials: 2

    • articles: 9

    • theses: 3

    • published works in international scientific publications: 3

    • published works in Russian scientific publications: 12

  • participation in 6 domestic and 2 international scientific conferences, workshops, exhibitions and symposiums

  • 5 Candidate’s dissertations

  • 6 diplomas and 2 awards, including State Prize of Udmurt Republic for Science and Technology and Suvorov Prize

  • 1 patent

In 2012 the scientific school got the support from the Council on Grants of the President of the Russian Federation to implement the project “Development of theoretical basis for complex engineering systems simulation using fuzzy networks and genetic algorithms”. The school was among the winners in the category “Technical and engineering sciences”.

The research team prepared and published more than 5 textbooks with signature stamps of AMA and more than 10 monographs. Annually about 30 articles on topics of the scientific school are published in peer-reviewed journals. Members of the research team are members of editorial boards of the following scientific journals:

  • Yakimovich B.A. is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Bulletin of Kalashnikov ISTU”, editorial board member of journals “Assembly in Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Engineering” and “Bulletin of BNTU”

  • Alekseev V.A. the editor-in-chief of the journal “Intelligent Systems in Production”

  • Tenenev V.A. is an editorial board member of the journal “Intelligent Systems in Production”

  • Korshunov A.I. is an editorial board member of the journal “Intelligent Systems in Production”

Дата: 09.12.2022