Development of design objects based on innovation techniques

Development of design objects based on innovation techniques

Supervisor of the scientific school:

Mikhail Mikhailovich Chernykh, DSc, Prof., an editorial board member of scientific journals “Design. Materials. Technology” and “Proceedings of Academy of Technical Aesthetics and Design”, scientific electronic edition “Design. Theory and Practice”; member of Academy of Technical Aesthetics and Design.

Primary publications for 5 years:

  • Chernykh, M. Increase of wood Decorativeness by the impregnation under the electric current influence / M. Chernykh, E. Kargashina // Chip and chipless woodworking processes 2012. The 8th international science conference. September 6-8. 2012 – Zvolen: Technical university in Zvolen. p. 131-136.

  • Chernykh M. Assessing the impact of aesthetic properties characteristics on wood decorativeness / M. Chernykh, E. Kargashina, V. Stollman // Acta facultatis xylologiae Zvolen – 2013, 55 (1) – p. 21-26.

  • Chernykh, M. Wood refining by the impregnation under the electric current influence / M. Chernykh, E. Kargashina, V. Stollmann // Acta facultatis xylologiae Zvolen – 2013, 55 (2) – p. 13-19.

Main research areas:

  • Design, computer-aided design and production of orthopedic elements for retaining sport and hunting weapons;

  • Facture organoleptic properties, evaluation methods of their perception and prognostication in design objects;

  • Wood modification through impregnation with nanocomposite solutions in electric and magnetic fields;

  • Theory of styles in design.

Presentation of the scientific school:

For the last 5 years the team of the scientific school published 2 monographs, an encyclopedic reference-book, 2 textbooks, 2 tutorials with signature stamp of AMA, over 150 scientific articles registered in RSCI, including 54 articles in scientific journals on the list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles and 3 articles indexed in Scopus. 3 utility model patents and certificate of computer software registration were received. 26 R&D agreements for 2.5 million rub. were performed. 6 PhD theses were defended.

Дата: 09.12.2022