Information-measuring systems based on high technologies with physical measurements, indirect measurement system model identification and visual and voice recognition

Information-measuring systems based on high technologies with physical measurements, indirect measurement system model identification and visual and voice recognition


Viktor Alexandrovich Kulikov, DSc, Prof., Head of Department of Computer Engineering, Honored Scientist of Udmurt Republic, member of Academy of Military Science, editorial board member of journals “Bulletin of Kalashnikov ISTU” and “PNRPU Bulletin”

H-index 3

Principal R&D performed by team of researchers:

  • Development of efficient methods to evaluate the recentness of human death and technical means to conduct forensic medical examination. Kalashnikov ISTU; supervisor V.A. Kulikov; № ГР012012625572 – Izhevsk, 2013. – p. 77.

  • Mechanized testing station for shooting preparation and Kalashnikov assault rifle test as ordered by Venezuela (2008).

  • System “Drob” for evaluation of fire dispersion of shotgun (2010).

  • Analysis of method errors influence on accurate temperature measurements of actuated engine components using telemetry measurement system. Kalashnikov ISTU; supervisor V.V. Syaktereva; № reg. 114061040013 – Izhevsk, 2014. – p. 65.

  • Research and modification of information-measuring system based on TV camera to identify shotgun parameters. Kalashnikov ISTU; supervisor E.M. Markov; № reg. 114061040014 – Izhevsk, 2014. p. 62.

Presentation of scientific school:

2 monographs, 15 tutorials with signature stamps of Kalashnikov ISTU, leading universities of Russia and AMA, more than 100 articles were published in journals registered in RSCI, Scopus and Web of Science.

Intellectual work results are protected with more than 30 patents and certificates of authorship.

Since 2006 within the framework of scientific school annual collected book with scientific works of students, PhD students, staff and faculty members of Volga Federal District universities “Information technologies in science, industry and education” has been published. In 2014 it was registered in RSCI.

Under the supervision of scientists – scientific school members – 18 CSc (5 of them for last 5 years) were trained, who defended their theses in Dissertation Committees of Kalashnikov ISTU, Institute of Mechanics UB RAS, SPEU “LETI”.

Дата: 09.12.2022