Information technologies of design, research and management

Information technologies of design, research and management


Valery Nikonorovich Kuchuganov, DSc, Prof., Head of Department of Automated Data Processing and Control Systems, Honored worker of the higher education of Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of Udmurt Republic, member of expert council on specialties 05.01.01 and 05.13.12, member of Russian Artificial Intelligence Association.

Published works in journals with Web of Science and Scopus indices:

  • Kuchuganov, V.N., Kasimov, D.R. An Environment of Programming of Strategies on the Base of Knoeledge. A. Kravets et al. (Eds.): JCKBSE 2014, CCIS 466, pp. 726-734, 2014.

  • Kuchuganov, A.V., The description and analysis of graphical information in a description logic formal language. – World Applied Sciences Journal 24 (Information Technologies in Modern Industry, Education & Society): 105-110, 2013, ISSN 1818-4952.

  • Kuchuganov, A.V./ Kasimov, D.R. Multilevel Cognitive Analysis in Graphical Retrieval of Drawings // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2013, Vol. 23, № 3., pp. 501-507.

Main research areas:

  • Natural language interfaces for Semantic Web and databases

  • Intellectual planners and expert systems

  • Automatic handwriting, illustration, graphic recognition

  • Semantic compression and aerospace pictures and video databases search

Faculty members, engineers, postgraduate and undergraduate students of the department published more than 200 articles in scientific journals, proceedings of international, All-Union, Russian-wide conferences, 3 monographs, worked out more than 20 different software systems for educational process, for small and medium-sized businesses, 5 textbooks and tutorials, got 5 State registration certificates of computer software.

Дата: 09.12.2022