Laser-object interaction

Laser-object interaction


Valery Valentinovich Besogonov, CSc, Assoc. Prof. at the Department of Physics and Optical Engineering

Principal R&D performed by team of researchers:

  • State contract № П2513 “Analysis of laser influence on surface of ceramic and metal materials to form nanostructured amorphized membranes” (20010-2012)

  • RFBR project № 13-01-96051 “Analysis of fracture mechanism of materials under the influence of hydrogen: modeling and experiment” (2013-2015)

  • RFBR project № 10-08-96028-р_урал_а “Analysis of functional properties and mathematical modeling of fullerene containing lubricants in friction zone” (2010-2012)

  • State contract № 14.740.11.0062 “Analysis of hydrogen influence on physical and mechanical characteristics of metals to produce new hydrogen storage systems” (2010-2012)

Presentation of scientific school:

72 published works in the last 5 years:

Published works in peer-reviewed journals – 27

Patents – 7

Articles in collected scientific books and periodical scientific publications – 20+8+6=34

Abstracts – 6

Published works in registered scientific electronic editions – 1

Educational-methodological works – 1

In 2015 the laser radiation frequency and power measuring transducer was introduced into teaching process.

Дата: 09.12.2022