Methodological problems of integrated management in regional investment construction sector

Methodological problems of integrated management in regional investment construction sector


Valery Pavlovich Grakhov, DSc, Prof., Head of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering.

  • Corresponding member of International Academy of Management

  • Member of International Academy of Investment and Construction Economics

  • Editorial board member of science journals “Economics and entrepreneurship” and “Privolzhsky scientific journal”

  • Member of Dissertation Council of Economics in Udmurt State University (2013-2014)

  • Vice-President of Union of Constructors of Udmurt Republic

  • Honored builder of Russian Federation and Udmurt Republic

  • Honored worker of higher education of Udmurt Republic

  • Honorary builder of Russian Federation and Udmurt Republic;

  • Member of contest committee of building exhibition “City of XXI century”

  • Member of Building Complex Development Expert Board of Udmurt Republic till 01.01.2014

  • Secretary of Urban Planning Community Board to the Head of Republic

H-index 17

Primary publications of scientific school for 5 years


Title of work

Output data


Grahov V.P.,

Gerasimov A.N.,

Gromov Y.I.,

Dyachenko Y.G.,

Voronov A.A.

“Organizational and methodological development tools of perspectives for development of spatial economic and social systems”

Life Science Journal. 2014. T. 11. № 9. C. 752-758.



Principal R&D performed by team of researchers:

In 2013-2015 the works on arranging and equipping the research laboratory of base enterprise Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Head department of special construction of Federal agency of special construction on the territory of Ural under Spetsstroy of Russia” were carried out. On the laboratory basis the small innovative enterprise LLC “Research Institute “Construction Laboratory” (LLC “Research Institute “StroyLab”) was founded. In 2014 the volume of research works of the laboratory was 460,000 rub.

Дата: 09.12.2022