Institute of International Study Programs

Institute of International Study Programs



The Institute of International Study programs was established on September 01, 2018 based on the Department of International Education and Cooperation, Institute of Professional Translation, English Language Department, Department of Linguistics, Department of Scientific-Technical Translation and Intercultural Communication.
The institute provides study programs for Russian and international students in the following areas:

  • training of foreign nationals and stateless persons for mastering professional study programs in the Russian language;
  • education of Russian and international students in bachelor programs, partly provided in the English language;
  • education of Russian and international students in bachelor programs in “Linguistics” and “Fundamental and Applied Linguistics”;
  • training of all university students in languages (“Foreign Language”, “Russian Language and Speech Standard”);
  • re-training of university students and academic staff in the program “Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication”;
  • joint education of university students and academic staff in the Czech language together with South Moravian Center for International Mobility.
The institute cooperates with all university faculties and institutes in developing and implementing double degree study programs, programs of academic mobility and internships for students and academic staff.


Bachelor Programs

  • Linguistics
  • Fundamental and Applied Linguistics

Doctoral Program

  • Linguistics and Literature Studies


Director Alexey Ryabchikov, Assoc. Prof., CSc



Address: Russia, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk 426069, Studencheskaya 7, bld. 1, room 107
Tel.: +7 (3412) 77-60-55 (*) 5128

Дата: 10.10.2022